Spotlight on CWN Members - Halo Project!

We are a specialist charity committed to supporting Black and minoritised women and girls to escape domestic abuse, sexual violence and hidden harms including forced marriage, female genital mutilation, and honour-based abuse. Violence against women and girls in all its forms has no place in our society and the root causes erode our communities and destroy the prospects for us to live in a world fear free. This is exacerbated for Black and minoritised survivors, whose voices and experiences of abuse are seldom heard and for whom additional barriers can prevent from accessing support. We at Halo Project must exist for them, to ensure that protection always comes before race, religion, or identity - and that equitable provision is accessible to all.

We offer expert information, advice and guidance to professionals and survivors via our national Specialist Support Hub, provide local outreach to those in  Cleveland, Durham, Darlington, Teesside and North Yorkshire, and run a refuge for Black and minoritised survivors at our Halo Homes site, where women and their children can seek safety, get culturally appropriate support and advice from our expert caseworkers based on their individual needs, and gain the tools and knowledge needed to start a new life free from fear and harm. These tools include educational trauma-informed sessions for service-users via our Halo Exhale and Halo Hope programmes which aid in understanding, healing, and recovery; as well as peer-to-peer support groups such as Circle of Friends and our Survivors’ Forum, where survivors can meet those with similar experiences to their own and can build friendships and strong support networks.

Halo Project, alongside our staff, trustees and partners continue to address the barriers Black and minoritised women and girls face and how many more attitudes need to be changed for more lives to be saved, along with those of the 2500 and counting women from over 49 different ethnicities who have already accessed Halo and our services. One of the main aims of Halo has been, and will continue to be, focus on the power of education in many forms, not least in raising awareness of the needs of the people we support and the scale of the issues which prevail within society for the most vulnerable. We have an incredible team who are achieving tremendous progress which cannot be understated, however, to make a more significant impact, we must – and will - continue to highlight the challenges faced by so many in Cleveland and farther afield and harness the power of professionals, students and communities, to bring about necessary change.

One of our clients said: “I am alive because of Halo. I am here today because of Halo and the support I have received from the lovely case workers over the years since 2013. There were times when I wanted to die but Halo made me confident and the woman I am today. Thank you.”

Halo are rightly proud of the amazing work they do with and for survivors of sexual violence across Cleveland and we’re proud of their place in our Network. You can find out more about Halo including how to donate to their essential services, by following THIS LINK.